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G-Code (also known as the RS-274 standard) is the numerical control language that is used to program most CNC Machines. There are several variations to the code used and not all G-code is created equally. Please check with the CNC control software (Mach3, LinuxCNC, UCCNC, Grbl) for specific reference and setup with CNC processors.
G-Code | Code Description |
G00 | Rapid Positioning |
G01 | Linear Interpolation |
G02 | Circular Interpolation, Clockwise |
G03 | Circular Interpolation, Counterclockwise |
G04 | Dwell |
G10 | Coordinate System Origin Setting |
G17 | XY Plane Selection |
G18 | XZ Plane Selection |
G19 | YZ Plane Selection |
G20 | Unit Selection: Inch |
G21 | Unit Selection: MM |
G27 | Verify Home |
G28 | Home Return (Soft Home) |
G30 | Home |
G33 | Lathe Thread Cycle |
G40 | Cancel Cutter Compensation |
G41 | Cutter Compensation Left |
G42 | Cutter Compensation Right |
G43 | Tool Length Offset |
G49 | Cancel Tool Length Offset |
G53 | Motion in Machine Coordinate System |
G54 | Select Coordinate System 1 |
G55 | Select Coordinate System 2 |
G56 | Select Coordinate System 3 |
G57 | Select Coordinate System 4 |
G58 | Select Coordinate System 5 |
G59 | Select Coordinate System 6 |
G59.1 | Select Coordinate System 7 |
G59.2 | Select Coordinate System 8 |
G59.3 | Select Coordinate System 9 |
G65 | Subroutine |
G80 | Cancel Motion Modes |
G81 | Drilling Cycle |
G82 | Drilling Cycle with Dwell |
G83 | Drilling Cycle with Peck |
G85 | Boring Cycle, No Dwell, Feed Out |
G86 | Boring Cycle, Stop, Rapid Out |
G87 | Back Boring Cycle |
G88 | Boring Cycle, Stop, Manual Out |
G89 | Boring Cycle, Dwell, Feed Out |
G90 | Absolute Distance Mode |
G91 | Incremental Distance Mode |
G92 | Coordinate System Offset |
G92.2 | Cancel Coordinate System Offsets |
G92.3 | Restore Axis Offsets |
G93 | Inverse Time Feed Mode |
G94 | Feed per Minute Mode |
G95 | Feed per Revolution Mode |
G96 | Constant Surface Speed |
G97 | RPM Mode |
G98 | Initial Level Return in Canned Cycles |
G99 | R-Point Level Return in Canned Cycles |
The following is a list of the most typical M-Commands that are supported by every major CNC motion controller program. Beyond M09, most software will allow the creation of custom M-Commands. Consult the documentation for your specific commands associated with your software and machine. Not all commands will be available.
M-Command | Code Description |
M00 | Program Stop |
M01 | Optional Stop |
M02 | Program End |
M03 | Spindle On, Clockwise |
M04 | Spindle On, Counter-Clockwise |
M05 | Spindle Off |
M06 | Tool change |
M07 | Mist Coolant On |
M08 | Flood Coolant On |
M09 | Coolant Off |